About the Chisholm Atrium

The Atrium

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd operates in an Atrium classroom, a prepared environment that contains hands-on materials for each child to use - designed to meet their spiritual needs. Children ages 3-6 will use materials like a model altar, miniature vestments, a liturgical calendar puzzle, a model of Mary’s house for the Annunciation, the Good Shepherd figure and sheepfold etc. in addition to spiritual reading and songs to meditate on the Word of God and prayers of the liturgy.

The Atrium is akin to a retreat centre for children where they draw near to His presence, a place of encounter with God. Children can opt to remove their shoes, we speak in lower voice (unless singing) and participate in caring for this special, sacred environment. Children encounter God in many ways and can hear His voice as they engage in the work in the Atrium. Catechists facilitate this through teaching each “work”, and each children work in the Montessori style, independently, with assistance as needed or requested.

Catechists view each child’s work in the Atrium, no matter how simple, as “a passage to prayer or as a prayer itself” (CGS Parent Information Pack).

The Catechists

Catechists Siubhan Sadler and Claire Mannyx deliver classes at the Atrium for children ages 3-12, levels 1, 2 and 3. They are both trained in each level and have been leading the Atrium together for 8 years. [Bios of Siubhan and Claire to come]

The Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle shared the story of Catechist Siubhan’s calling to the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Watch to see a virtual tour of the Atrium, learn more about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and to get to know more about this amazing teacher!

An article in ‘Faith Matters’ titled “Have you heard of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd?” also shares more about how this program has enriched the community.

What Parents Are Saying

“I was struggling to engage my 5 and 4-year-old boys in what happened during Sunday Mass. I tried different things, but it all seemed too far away for them. Then I met Siubhan at a diocesan activity. She had a model altar set up with an altar cloth, chalice, paten, little candles, and a crucifix, all at the children’s size! I was fascinated as much as my boys! I remember saying,

“I want my children to have access to this!”

Seven years later we still attend. I found the Atrium to be a bridge that helped my children understand what happens at Mass and in the sacraments. I could explain things to them with words and that would give them ‘head’ knowledge. But time spent in the Atrium, engaging with materials, listening to God’s word, and interacting with other children, has given them a deeper ‘heart’ knowledge, one that I’m hoping will stay with them till later in life. My now almost 3-year-old started attending. It was beautiful to see the joy in her face when she sang an Atrium song and her older siblings joined in with her, actions and all. She felt part of something.”

— Atrium parent

My experience of the Atrium has allowed me to grow, form friendships with other adults/parents. It has deepened my faith and prayer life. The Atrium has been great for my child who has been attending since she was 3, now 9. She has formed friendships, learnt to work well with other children in the many varied activities they have to choose from. It has deepened her faith, prayer life and love of God and neighbour. She still looks forward to the Atrium each week.”

— Atrium parent

“The Atrium is a good place for children. It is quiet, orderly, well organised and stimulating. It offers many activities that can help the children know God. The adults do not directly teach the children about God, but they help them to learn about God. The workstations like the altar corner, the scripture corner, the Good Shepherd corner are all designed to develop awareness of the presence of God. I like the arrangement of the furniture in the Atrium. There is a quiet place for each child to do their “work”. Each desk and chair are well placed for quiet work. The children are well-trained. They know what activities they can do. They know how to use the “works” and how to put them away. Most of the children were engaged the whole time I was observing. They went from one activity to another without help from the adults. They obviously enjoyed doing the “work” that they chose to do.”

— Atrium parent

“Our family has been grateful to enrol our 4-year-old in the Atrium this term. Initially, I was unsure about this unique approach, as I had not experienced formation like this as a child, but we have seen beautiful fruits of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd since the first visit. The Atrium has given our child a special dedicated place where he can reflect on the mysteries of God and start to develop his own unique relationship with Jesus. While walking in the dark together one night on a camping holiday, he noticed the lights on at other campsites and told me,

"God is a light, he lights the way in the darkness."

Now each Sunday at Mass, he checks the colour of the priests' vestments to see what liturgical season we are in, so he can tell Siubhan and Claire. He has shared the following song with me regarding the colours - "Purple and green, red and white, colours of the year; purple and green, red and white, remind us of the Light. Purple is for preparation, white is for celebration, green is for the growing time, red is for Pentecost." All from memory, as I did not learn this song as a child!"

— Atrium parent

"My son prays with me with renewed interest during the day. He has shared songs with me, "God's Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path".

He will occasionally wash his hands "the way we do at the Atrium" with meticulous care, cleaning each finger individually until the process is complete. He has requested a place for his artwork, "like they do at the Atrium," and occasionally after he does something organised, he'll say "Siubhan taught me that at the Atrium." Wow, I have already been inspired to make positive changes in our home and in our prayer life, thanks to the Atrium. My husband is not religious, but supportive and feels Christian values are beneficial for our children. I can use all the help I can get sharing the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith. Claire and Siubhan as catechists in the special Atrium space, presenting our son with the opportunity to interact with God's Word using tangible resources and appropriate age-level catechism is invaluable. The Atrium is meeting our son’s needs in a variety of ways and I look forward to the future fruits, as well as his siblings being able to attend.”

— Atrium Parent

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